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Thursday, May 21, 2009

Clinical Group 2nd semester Psyc Tec

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Fishing! Fishing! and yes more Fishing!

Did not mean to show my boobies either!

Ive been fishing alot on the weekends and it has been really nice to get away! Ive been fishing the Lake,Campwishon, and Campnelson. I would have to say that Campnelson is still today one of my favorite places. This weekend I went to Nelson with a few friends it was alot of fun, here are some of the fishes..We left Nelson with 11 rainbow trout, I kinda wish I would have left them up their but I didnt so I let a friend take them all for a fish fry. If people ever wonder why Im so crazy for fishing I guess I would just tell them I really enjoy everything about it and if I didnt have it their would be nothing to do, and I just might go crazy!!!!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Spread the joy in Fishing

This Friday I got out of school kinda early and when I got home my mom had this lady come and clean the house on a trial basis to see how she does. I of course didn't want to be in her way so I headed up to my new spot I found at the lake. On my way I called LeAnn Chapman a friend from school to see if Alex her son was available for a fishing trip. Me and LeAnn and Alex have been talking alot about getting Alex out to the lake to do some fishing with me. So it just so happens Alex was available but not until after his game which he hit a home run in, so lets just say he was already having a good day ha ha! So I was just killing the fish and a few hours later Alex and his mom showed up with fishing gear galore and enough snacks to survive a week stranded ha ha lol! Anyways it was such a fun day, Alex is a cool kid, and he was able to learn quickly on how to slay the crappie. It was a beautifull sunny day with good company and lots of fish what else could you ask for..So I think the final count me and Alex ended up taking home was 11 crappie, I think I also pulled in 6 bass that were to small to take home. So by the time we left it was dark and we had to find our stuff by flashlight. When we got to Alex's house we took this picture and then worked hard to clean our catch. After we were done cleaning fish we had burgers, potato salad, chips and the beverage was a Caprie sun yum.. Thanks for coming with Alex everyone needs to break loose and enjoy the outdoors and all that it has to offer. You and me can go fishing anytime

Thursday, January 29, 2009

2nd Semester Psychiatric Technician Program

A: PWS is a complex genetic disorder that typically causes low muscle tone, short stature, incomplete sexual development, cognitive disabilities, problem behaviors, and a chronic feeling of hunger that can lead to excessive eating and life-threatening obesity.

I am doing a recearch paper on Prader-Willi Syndrome

Down Syndrome Person
Effects of Down Syndrome the most common type Mental Retardation
This semester has been such a cool experience already, Me and all my classmates have been split up into three different clinical groups out at Porterville Developmental Center. We are currently on three different units all program three clients. I am on unit 29 and I seem to have a really good team to work with. I love interacting with all the different types of clients with all different types of Mental retardation and developmental disabilities. I have a one on one client and he has really taken a liken to me. He is pretty smart for a guy with an I.Q. of 30, but anyhow he is a parapeligic and I take care of him in every way. In the morning I go and see him in his room and he is usually bright eyed and awake by 7am. I talk to him and tell him about whatever and he just lies in his bed and grines. He is number 3 on the shower order so I start helping the ones and two's get their patients out of bed and in their wheel chairs. After that I go back to my client and put him in his wheelchair, we have mechanical lifts but I like to just get another student to help me lift him in to his wheel chair. My client has a motorized wheel chair built just for his body shape and needs. Although he is parapelegic he is still able to drive his own wheelchair with this specialized stick I attach to his hand, he is able to put the stick on his chin and push the drive nob..needless to say he is a better driver than me at that thing. I turn on his tv and go help the ones and two's get finished up. Most of the time when I come out of the shower room to go get him he has already driven to the long hall to shower..ha ha he is so funny..It only took two days for him to start responding to things I tell him, he doesn't talk but he totally understands most of what I say, hes my dog! So I usually try to pimp him out with the coolest and most stylist things to wear for after his makeover I give him every morning. After he is all cleaned up I put him back in his chair and he drives around the four halls until im done helping others with their clients, we have 15 clients to 15 students and I mean Im sweating like crazy before were done. If nobody else needs help I find my client and I take him to breakfast, I have to spoon feed him pretty slow but he has been eating 100 percent of his food for me so that makes me happy and I tell him how proud he makes me..I crack jokes and sometimes I get him to grin like crazy...Everything is a little hectic in the cafeteria, the first day I was like what the hell have I got myself into. other peoples clients were loud and had food falling out their mouths, spiting food out and stuff..my client is pretty cool and doesn't give me much problems he understands me and I try to understand him and give him options..well after breakfast we kick back for awhile and then we take them to class..my client has a job of delivering price tags to the craft store every day unless its raining, so I usually drive by pushing his driver nob..it takes us like 40 minutes to walk their and back(he rides of course) its nice to go on a walk after all that hard work..when we get back I take him to class and I stay and interact some more..I sometimes read to him or play little games...Im really starting to like this semester and the things I am learning about having to do with Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities...after lunch I find my client and clean him up if he is soiled and that is pretty much the day other than like an hour meeting with the instructor..Here is a few pics of Developmental Challenged people