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Saturday, May 24, 2008

Pismo Pier Fishing on Memorial Day Weekend

This weekend me and my parents hitched up the trailer with the rhino in the back of the truck and headed out to Pismo Beach. When we got here it was an hour or so before sun down, and so we had to bust tail to get the trailer all settled in and hooked up to all that good stuff that makes staying real commffy. So we had a nice Splash Cafe dinner and a nice walk out on the the wonderfull Pismo pier and that was that of friday. Today was awseome for me, I woke up about seven or so and went jogging on the beach, it was a nice jog but after the first couple miles it started to hurt. I got out to the pier about ten or so and I fished until about four thirty. I had a great day of fishing because I was very successfull and because being out on the end of Pismo Pier brings me alot of peace. Pismo Beach is one of my favorite places and its funny because you think your far from Porterville but still you always end up seeing someone you know. The pictures were taken by my Dad on his new phone with two out of the fifteen Jack Smelts I caught that day. I hope my friends and family that could not or did not join us are doing something they enjoy like I am..love y'all

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The Finish Line Picture

This picture was taken after everyone in our group had finished the race, When I look at this picture I ask myself: Why am I the only one that looks like they are in pain? And why am I the only one who got laid during the race? Oh! and one more question comes to mind, why does Starr love free tea?

Monday, May 19, 2008

Busting a move in San Fransisco

Starr is so much fun that she ran out and started dancing to some band that was playing some groovy tunes, so I joined her in some dancing at Fishermans Wharf. After we were done I grabed my mom and started dancing with her, it was so much fun!thanks to lydia or Hannah who caught this priceless moment on camera, and to whome I stole these pictures from! Thanks Again!

"Bay to Breakers 2008"

I was'nt prepared enough for the pain I put on my body this weekend running 7 1/2 miles on the streets of SanFransisco. BUT!!! I did it and I did it good. This year as you can see in the pictures, the participants were: me, my mom, my dad, my aunt Sussie, and Starr and Skye Stoddard, two really fun sister! We had seafood at Fishermans Wharf, Ice Cream at ?, and Ghiradeli Chochlate...needless to say we needed to run!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Bay to Breakers Run

This will be my second Bay to Breakers run and it is so much fun! The run is 7.46 miles and there is so much to look at that you dont even realize the distance you have to run. Looking forward to a weekend full of fun and seafood! yum!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

The most challenging hike of my life

I went on a hike this weekend from the Yosemite valley floor to the top of vernal falls and a final climb to the top of nevada falls. It was a true challenge but when you finally make it to the top you literally feel on top of the world. I would totally recomend this hike to anyone who is up for a challenge and who loves the outdoors.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Thats Right!!!!

I caught this nice Rainbow trout in Camp Nelson at Belnap Campground, I would have to say that Belnap is one of my favoriote places to fish, I almost never strike out in this river.. and I respect its constant ability to maintain fish all year long. I don't take the fish from here because the chance is that if I release it, I may catch the same fish another day. Not only is this river a good place to fish but it is beutifull place to be...For some reason I catch myself visiting this place in the roughest times of the year. This year I fished it in deep snow, I fell on my butt, scraped my legs, and pretty much destroyed my body just to get to next fishing hole. I also showed up one day this winter and I kinda almost didn't make it out. The roads are not cleared into belnap, but still I tried to make it in my 2 wheel drive truck. I made it halfway in , and then all of sudden snow started to poor down like crazy. I got a tad frustrated and a little scared that I was going to get stuck in their and no one would find me. So I barely made it out, the roads that were clear on the way in were just covered with snow on the way out.. I was pretty upset to drive all that way and not being able even get my line wet, but oh well, when you love to fish like I do you take those chances.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Fishing to me is more than just a hobie

Fishing is my sweet escape to a place I can feel at peace, sure I love catching fish "who does'nt"?, but I really enjoy the outdoors. I truely enjoy the way the I feel when its just me and wide open spaces. My head is so clear and I feel amazing! Take some time to enjoy what is created before us, its truely awseome, so open your eyes to the beautifull things in life and enjoy!

Me and my home dog Sam "Anglers for Life"

Me and Sammy started to hang out this year and he has been a really good friend for me, he helps me stay out of those places I should'nt be. Thanks Sam! We caught these fish behind a rental house the Spencer Trust owns up on Highway 190.. so much fun, and memories that last!

My Dog "Inky" (I didn't name him)

I got this dog when he was about a year old or less, I gave him to friend because he was fighting with his brother prince who was my ex-girls dog. One night at school I got a call and my friend asked if I wanted him back and I was like hell yeah! So here he is back in my care and I love it, he is such a fun dog. Everytime I walk in the door he starts crying for me to come love him, sometimes he sees me, sometimes he hears me, but I really think he might even smell me.. hes so cool!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

My nephew Brewin John Ford "he is such a stud"

Mr. Brewin John Ford was born on Febuary 4th 2008/ he is mr. miracle in all our lifes, I love to hold him and kiss his chubby little cheeks, He has big beautifull blue eyes!