Thursday, May 21, 2009
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Fishing! Fishing! and yes more Fishing!
Did not mean to show my boobies either!
Ive been fishing alot on the weekends and it has been really nice to get away! Ive been fishing the Lake,Campwishon, and Campnelson. I would have to say that Campnelson is still today one of my favorite places. This weekend I went to Nelson with a few friends it was alot of fun, here are some of the fishes..We left Nelson with 11 rainbow trout, I kinda wish I would have left them up their but I didnt so I let a friend take them all for a fish fry. If people ever wonder why Im so crazy for fishing I guess I would just tell them I really enjoy everything about it and if I didnt have it their would be nothing to do, and I just might go crazy!!!!
Posted by Cameron Steel Welker at 10:05 PM 1 comments
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Spread the joy in Fishing
This Friday I got out of school kinda early and when I got home my mom had this lady come and clean the house on a trial basis to see how she does. I of course didn't want to be in her way so I headed up to my new spot I found at the lake. On my way I called LeAnn Chapman a friend from school to see if Alex her son was available for a fishing trip. Me and LeAnn and Alex have been talking alot about getting Alex out to the lake to do some fishing with me. So it just so happens Alex was available but not until after his game which he hit a home run in, so lets just say he was already having a good day ha ha! So I was just killing the fish and a few hours later Alex and his mom showed up with fishing gear galore and enough snacks to survive a week stranded ha ha lol! Anyways it was such a fun day, Alex is a cool kid, and he was able to learn quickly on how to slay the crappie. It was a beautifull sunny day with good company and lots of fish what else could you ask for..So I think the final count me and Alex ended up taking home was 11 crappie, I think I also pulled in 6 bass that were to small to take home. So by the time we left it was dark and we had to find our stuff by flashlight. When we got to Alex's house we took this picture and then worked hard to clean our catch. After we were done cleaning fish we had burgers, potato salad, chips and the beverage was a Caprie sun yum.. Thanks for coming with Alex everyone needs to break loose and enjoy the outdoors and all that it has to offer. You and me can go fishing anytime
Posted by Cameron Steel Welker at 7:15 PM 4 comments
Thursday, January 29, 2009
2nd Semester Psychiatric Technician Program
A: PWS is a complex genetic disorder that typically causes low muscle tone, short stature, incomplete sexual development, cognitive disabilities, problem behaviors, and a chronic feeling of hunger that can lead to excessive eating and life-threatening obesity.
I am doing a recearch paper on Prader-Willi Syndrome
Down Syndrome Person Effects of Down Syndrome the most common type Mental Retardation
This semester has been such a cool experience already, Me and all my classmates have been split up into three different clinical groups out at Porterville Developmental Center. We are currently on three different units all program three clients. I am on unit 29 and I seem to have a really good team to work with. I love interacting with all the different types of clients with all different types of Mental retardation and developmental disabilities. I have a one on one client and he has really taken a liken to me. He is pretty smart for a guy with an I.Q. of 30, but anyhow he is a parapeligic and I take care of him in every way. In the morning I go and see him in his room and he is usually bright eyed and awake by 7am. I talk to him and tell him about whatever and he just lies in his bed and grines. He is number 3 on the shower order so I start helping the ones and two's get their patients out of bed and in their wheel chairs. After that I go back to my client and put him in his wheelchair, we have mechanical lifts but I like to just get another student to help me lift him in to his wheel chair. My client has a motorized wheel chair built just for his body shape and needs. Although he is parapelegic he is still able to drive his own wheelchair with this specialized stick I attach to his hand, he is able to put the stick on his chin and push the drive nob..needless to say he is a better driver than me at that thing. I turn on his tv and go help the ones and two's get finished up. Most of the time when I come out of the shower room to go get him he has already driven to the long hall to shower..ha ha he is so funny..It only took two days for him to start responding to things I tell him, he doesn't talk but he totally understands most of what I say, hes my dog! So I usually try to pimp him out with the coolest and most stylist things to wear for after his makeover I give him every morning. After he is all cleaned up I put him back in his chair and he drives around the four halls until im done helping others with their clients, we have 15 clients to 15 students and I mean Im sweating like crazy before were done. If nobody else needs help I find my client and I take him to breakfast, I have to spoon feed him pretty slow but he has been eating 100 percent of his food for me so that makes me happy and I tell him how proud he makes me..I crack jokes and sometimes I get him to grin like crazy...Everything is a little hectic in the cafeteria, the first day I was like what the hell have I got myself into. other peoples clients were loud and had food falling out their mouths, spiting food out and client is pretty cool and doesn't give me much problems he understands me and I try to understand him and give him options..well after breakfast we kick back for awhile and then we take them to client has a job of delivering price tags to the craft store every day unless its raining, so I usually drive by pushing his driver takes us like 40 minutes to walk their and back(he rides of course) its nice to go on a walk after all that hard work..when we get back I take him to class and I stay and interact some more..I sometimes read to him or play little games...Im really starting to like this semester and the things I am learning about having to do with Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities...after lunch I find my client and clean him up if he is soiled and that is pretty much the day other than like an hour meeting with the instructor..Here is a few pics of Developmental Challenged people
Posted by Cameron Steel Welker at 10:05 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Winter Groom
I had to groom my dog in the winter because acording to my friend "Annie" he was looking a little on the neglect side. No exscuses for my actions but I was really buisy this first semester of the psyc tec program. Now my poor dog is going to be cold for a couple months, but I did manage to make him a door for his dog house out of carpet so hopefully that will keep him toastie! still Love you Inky buddie sorry I havent been able to attend to your needs more... I caught his smart butt using his new door see pic
Posted by Cameron Steel Welker at 4:00 PM 5 comments
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Metalica Rocks in Fresno
I had the pleasure of going to my first Concert and yes it was Metalica they were so awseome. I went with my two friends Dustin and Janette and had so much fun. It was so loud and crazy people down by the stage were moshing! I guess thats how you spell it well going crazy and runing into one another and their were even a couple fights yeah rock on! We took a cab from the hotel so that we didnt have to pay a bunch for parking and the mad traffic at the end of the concert. The guy who droped us off said we would have no trouble catching a cab afterwards so we thought we were cool.. After the concert we had to practically fight people to get a cab, maybe like 45minutes later we won the fight and caught a ride with a one eyed cab driver he was way cool and I wish we would have got a picture with him. Metalica Rocks YEAH!
Posted by Cameron Steel Welker at 10:33 PM 1 comments
Monday, December 1, 2008
Ive been taged by Brittany
5 things I was doing 10 years ago
1.) Wondering were my life is going
2.) Having way to much fun
3.) Trying to break an addiction
4.) Learning about were bad choices get you
5.) Missing all my highschool budies
5 things on today's to-do list
1.) Wake up and drink my diet Rockstar in the fridge
2.) Do My ch.1 and ch. 2 study guides
3.) Go to school
4.) Exercise at the gym
5.) Say hi to my dog
5 things I would do if I was a millionaire
1.) Build me my own fishing pond with all types of fish
2.) Help out a family in need
3.) Every one in my family gets one thing they have always wanted
4.) Build my grandparents a new house
5.) Go to Vegas and make it rain on them HO#'s
5 places I have lived
1.) Porterville, CA
2.) Provo, UT
3.) Tulare, CA
4.) Lakeside, CA
5.) Orem, UT
5 places I have worked
1.) Roundtable Pizza
2.) Longs Drugs
3.) Alber's Manufactoring
4.) Flyers Exon Station
5.) Straightline Engenering
4 People I TAG!
1.) Tori Sue Magoo
2.) Hannah Zolman
3.) Skye Stoddard
4.) Jaime Welker
Posted by Cameron Steel Welker at 11:27 PM 0 comments
Saturday, October 18, 2008
October 17th 2008 any early birthday present for me
This was so much fun and got my heart pounding. That fish made me realize real quick what I was dealing with. When I got him about 20 feet from shore I noticed that he was going sraight for this little red booie. He did and right away I knew I had a problem. I kept my pole high and felt him while I was taking off my boots and everything else I had in my pockets I didnt want wet was tossed to shore. I had to go in and untangle him off the chain that was on the booie. well as you can see I manage to kick his ass and here he is.
Posted by Cameron Steel Welker at 12:59 AM 1 comments
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Fishing- til-Dark
Ive been catching some nice Largemouth Bass at the lake, This particular time I wen't with Mr. Josh Demasters. We got out to Lake Success at about 4pm or so and fished until dark. I was fishing in one spot that continually brought me luck. I caught about six nice bass off of the same point casted into the same spot. I used a carolina rig with brown and bright green plastic robow worms. Man I love this type os slow retrival worm jigging, it works really well for me. just another day in paradise, getting away to spend a few at the lake is super relaxing and makes me gratefull for what free time Im able to delegate. Live, Love, Learn and Fish
Posted by Cameron Steel Welker at 2:39 PM 2 comments
Sunday, August 17, 2008
First day of the Psych tec progam "Back to School"
This program is no joke! It takes some serious hard work and dedication. Right now I am going to this one class from 7:15 am until 2:15 pm Monday-Friday. Its like having a job, but your job is learning..and the job dosen't stop at 2:15, I go home and do nothing but study until I go to bed. The first week was extremly hard and to be honest I did not enjoy it at all. One night I stayed up until 3am studying for a test and then woke up at 6am and went to school. I am hoping I have adapted my life enough to start enjoying my seven hour a day learning job.
Posted by Cameron Steel Welker at 7:16 PM 5 comments
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
I guess this pelican knows who's the best fisherman on the pier that day
This pelican kept hanging next to me because he knows I catch the most fish on the pier at Pismo. It was really fun taking this picture but I was a little scared he was going to pluck my eyes out. Its a $100 dolar fine if your caught feeding these birds, but I like to gamble so I fed him a couple of Jack Smelt's. Im really glad I was not punished for my actions but the reason its wrong is because it messes with the birds survival. If every one fed this bird he would be lazy and stop fishing thinking he could just live off of hand fed food. This is my theory..may or may not be so acurate but I don't want to mess with the circle of life. so next time I get the chance Im just gona tell the pelican to catch his own.
Posted by Cameron Steel Welker at 11:02 PM 2 comments
Me and Ronald Mc Donald getting to know eachother, taking things slow of course!
This picture was my dads idea so here it is, I thought it was pretty funny! Me and my dad grabed a quick bit to eat one morning because we had to work on some plumbing in the trailer in pismo because their was a leaky pipe under the sink. Is it just me or was Ronald enjoying our little time together?
Posted by Cameron Steel Welker at 10:53 PM 1 comments
Monday, August 4, 2008
The day I felt lower than LOW but jumped higher than High
Tori and Ronnie brought their Rhino along with my dad having his Rhino at the beach this last weekend. So one of the bigger activity's was riding the rhino's in the dunes. It was all fun and games until me and Hannah were out riding my dads rhino with Ronnie and Colt in Ronnie and Tori's rhino. Things were going smooth and I was feeling realy comfortable with my rhino driving ability's until Ronnie found this part of the dunes were their was this deep bowl with a short side to it. Well lets just say you could get some speed before you got to the lip wich had a big jump to it. I watched Ronnie jump it a few times and he got some pretty good air off it. I was debating on wether or not I should hit this jump while watching Ronnie and Colt continously laugh as they jumped it. Finally I jumped it and things were fine, me and Hannah were like heck ya we got some air too. Then I tried it again and this time for some reason I had my foot into the throttle alot to much and Ronnie and Colt were up on the hill watching me and Hannah. Ronnie said to Colt "oh crap! he is going way to fast I can't watch this" and sure enough I was and I hit that jump so hard that the rhino came down really hard on the nose. We must of been in the air it felt like forever and when we hit it was like hitting a wall. My goggles flew off and I was like so shocked it seemed like I blacked out for a minute. Lets just say I was super scared and my toe feels like it is broken from bracing my self for the final stop. I just kinda sat in the rhino for a minute thinking what a dummy for what I just did and then I got out to walk out the shock. Things could of been way worse, I think just a little bit more speed and me and Hannah would of rolled the rhino straight over sitting on the lid. As I looked over the rhino I saw that I caved in the front silver piece with holes in it on the front bumber just a bit. I was glad I didn't do anymore damage to the rhino than I could have, Im also glad that me and Hannah only came out of it with a couple days of whiplash and an extremly sore toe. I was not looking forward to telling my dad that I abused his toy and bent something, but I was honest and told him right away. I felt like crap about it and it made my day a bit gloomy but in all I think my dad has forgiven me. sorry again dad! You got to respect things that you can't afford to fix thats for sure, but most of all to respect things that are not yours. I think I was respecting my dads Rhino until that one moment when things got a bit out of hand..It was a moment I will not forget, and it was a moment that made me realize that rhino's are so much fun but you could really get hurt on one if you are not carefull. So here are two pics of the shinny thing with holes that crazy cam bent on the front bumber of the my dad's Rhino.
Posted by Cameron Steel Welker at 10:58 PM 2 comments
Standing in the Waves
I got to do some surf fishing this last week at Oceano Beach and this is what I caught. I have heard that sand crabs is the best bait for fishing off the beach so thats what I served up. I used my fish skin leaders that has six hooks, a weight, and six sand crabs. It was so much fun catching this pretty little fish. They are really tasty to eat one time I caught about seven and took them home for Grandma Welker to cook up. I had the pleasure of releasing this fish right after Hannah took this picture. I miss Pismo and Oceano Beach so much and if I had my way I would never leave. I tried fishing off the beach a couple more times deep in the water and no luck, I guess I was just lucky enough to catch this one.
Posted by Cameron Steel Welker at 8:37 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Fishing is "LIFE"
Im at Pismo beach this week spending time with the family and Ive been doing nothing but fishing since Ive been here. Today I caught some of the biggest Jack Smelt I have ever seen and a few people said the same thing. I only had 6lb test line on my pole which makes no sense,but thats what I hadd so I had alot of trouble bringing these fish to the top of the pier. This chinese guy came over and he helped me, I had to get my rag and grab the line and bring them up by hand. This guy ran over and wanted to take these big fish off my hands for Shark bait.. I was debating the decision because I wanted to show them off to my folks who were on the beach at the time hanging out. So I told the man he could have them as long as I could get a picture with them, so these are the pictures he took.. They don't do any justice for how big these fish actually were, but I guess you can see them ok...Fishing off the Pismo Pier is so much fun..I could do it every day!
Posted by Cameron Steel Welker at 9:28 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
I have fallen in love with my freaking dog "Inky" he is the coolest dog I have ever had. I have taken him back and forth to Soledad now about three times to go visit the Carlson family and he does not seem to mind the trip to go see his good friend Azzie. Azzie is the Carlson family American Bulldog and she is quite a character. Azzie and Inky have become "two peas in a pod" they go on walks together,wrestle together, and they even share the same water and food together. You would never think that a Bulldog and a Standard Poodle would become friends, but believe me its true. This is a picture of Azzie sitting on Inky's head, she did this a couple of times this last trip and I finally got a snap shot of it. Why is Azzie sitting on Inky's head? is this something friends do?
Posted by Cameron Steel Welker at 9:40 PM 1 comments
Friday, June 6, 2008
Psychiatric Technician Program I GOT IN! YEAH!
First Semester
PTVN P010A - Fundamentals of Nursing 4 credits
PTVN P010B - Intro. to Medical/Surgical Nursing 5 credits
PTVN P010C - Life Span Development 2 credits
PTVN P010D - Clinical Practice 6 credits
Second Semester
PSYT P020A - Developmental Disabilities 2.5 credits
PSYT P020B - Understanding/Promoting Personal Development 2 credits
PSYT P020C - Principles/Practices of Behavioral Support 2 credits
PSYT P020D - Pharmacology: Concepts and Practices 1.5 credit
PSYT P020E - Therapeutics of Communication and Relationships 2 credits
PSYT P020F - Clinical Practice 6 credits
Third Semester
PSYT P030A -Psychiatric Nursing Practice: Responsibilities and Approaches 1.5 credits
PSYT P030B - Psychopathology I - Major Mental Illness 2 credits
PSYT P030C - Crisis Assessment and Intervention 1.5 credits
PSYT P030D - Psychopathology II - Disorders of Children,
Elderly, Personality and Addiction 2.5 credits
PSYT P030E - Therapeutic Methods 2 credits
PSYT P030F - Clinical Practice 6 credits
All courses in each semester must be completed satisfactorily with a grade of ?C? or higher before student may be enrolled in the next semester.
This is what my life will consist of for the next year and a half (But so Gratefull)
Posted by Cameron Steel Welker at 10:53 PM 4 comments
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Pismo Pier Fishing on Memorial Day Weekend
This weekend me and my parents hitched up the trailer with the rhino in the back of the truck and headed out to Pismo Beach. When we got here it was an hour or so before sun down, and so we had to bust tail to get the trailer all settled in and hooked up to all that good stuff that makes staying real commffy. So we had a nice Splash Cafe dinner and a nice walk out on the the wonderfull Pismo pier and that was that of friday. Today was awseome for me, I woke up about seven or so and went jogging on the beach, it was a nice jog but after the first couple miles it started to hurt. I got out to the pier about ten or so and I fished until about four thirty. I had a great day of fishing because I was very successfull and because being out on the end of Pismo Pier brings me alot of peace. Pismo Beach is one of my favorite places and its funny because you think your far from Porterville but still you always end up seeing someone you know. The pictures were taken by my Dad on his new phone with two out of the fifteen Jack Smelts I caught that day. I hope my friends and family that could not or did not join us are doing something they enjoy like I y'all
Posted by Cameron Steel Welker at 9:01 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
The Finish Line Picture
This picture was taken after everyone in our group had finished the race, When I look at this picture I ask myself: Why am I the only one that looks like they are in pain? And why am I the only one who got laid during the race? Oh! and one more question comes to mind, why does Starr love free tea?
Posted by Cameron Steel Welker at 6:31 PM 3 comments
Monday, May 19, 2008
Busting a move in San Fransisco
Starr is so much fun that she ran out and started dancing to some band that was playing some groovy tunes, so I joined her in some dancing at Fishermans Wharf. After we were done I grabed my mom and started dancing with her, it was so much fun!thanks to lydia or Hannah who caught this priceless moment on camera, and to whome I stole these pictures from! Thanks Again!
Posted by Cameron Steel Welker at 11:40 PM 2 comments